mercredi 1 juin 2011

2011 scion tc

2011 scion tc. 2011 scion tc
  • 2011 scion tc

  • FloatingBones
    Mar 31, 11:13 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148a Safari/6533.18.5)

    You post an article about the iPad with video that can't be viewed on an iPad? Thanks.

    Of course it can! There's an app for that: get the Skyfire app.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 scion tc pricing
  • 2011 scion tc pricing

  • beany boy
    Apr 8, 09:03 AM
    Hope they fix the slide to unlock bug on home screen.

    It gets stuck a lot ever since 4.3.1

    Also the pause button when playing podcasts or certain music not as responsive as it used to be.

    Unlock bug happens to me.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC

  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Oct 10, 07:42 AM
    Cute little guy. (

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC

  • iNewbie
    Oct 4, 10:07 AM
    I agree for the most part. It's the same where I work. We had one resident Domino fan (who left us about 8 months ago), and she was the only one in our department who really liked it. Most IT people I know hate Lotus Notes, and our department is no exception. The client is an absolute pain in the ass to contend with. The whole system of IDs and certifiers is a nightmare.

    Here are some perfect examples of what's wrong with Domino/Notes.

    1. A friend of mine where I work accidentally deleted her Notes ID file one time. (for those of you who don't know, unless you're using the web client, a Notes ID is what stores your personal information [including your password] and you need this to log on to the system). We tried to restore her ID from a backup copy we made when the account was originally created, but it wouldn't work because this copy of the ID was from before she got married, and her name was changed on Domino. The resident Domino fangirl putzed around with it for hours, and could not get it to work. She ended up deleting the account and recreating it, blaming my friend saying "she made a dumb mistake by deleting her ID file." That may have been so, but doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that there isn't a "Regenerate Notes ID" button in Administrator? Seems like a stupid thing to leave out. So, someone accidentally deletes their ID file (which I'm sure happens at places all the time), you can't regenerate it, and you have to recreate the account? Ludicrous.

    2. Or how about the fact that in Domino Admin, I can't change the password in an ID file, so if someone forgets it, they're SOL? As the admin I can't change a password???!!?

    3. We've currently got about 5000 users on our student email server. These are iNotes only users -- they don't get ID files and they don't use the Notes client, just web-mail. Domino doesn't provide anyway to track usage of these, only with Notes-ID clients. I've been trying to come up with a way to show how many people are accessing their accounts, and you just can't do it. I've spent hours on the phone with IBM trying to figure this out, and I can't. Their techs don't know how to do it. I'm trying to figure out who hasn't used their account in a year or more so they can be deleted, and IBM doesn't give you any way to track usage through the web client.

    Good stuff.

    I do have to say though, that although the client is awful and a pain to use, and that users are difficult to administrate sometimes, the server itself holds up pretty well. It really doesn't crash much.


    Regarding your item #1. Notes is this way because of SECURITY. When an ID is created it contains encryption keys. This is what allows it to communicate with the notes server and also secure data. IF the user chooses to encrypt their data, like e-mail, then without that ID the data is safe. End of discussion. Even the administrator can't get to it. Notes is a highly secure envoirnment. You don't hear stories or people hacking the notes server, or getting spyware, or any of that Exchange business...
    Security is the opposite of convenience. Now if the user in question did NOT take advantage of encrypting data then your notes "fangirl" could have simply deleted the user from the address book, created the user again with the same name and it would have worked fine which is what she ended up doing.. The reason why the name change caused a problem is because the backup ID wasn't updated at the same time - which is ok at long as you store your history of changes in the admin4 database. That change was probably very old and purged from the database. Regarding ID's what some companies do - mine included is store all the users ID's with a default password in a secure place - give the users copies and force them to change their password. Obviously there's a huge problem with this. Whoever stores these ID's has the keys to the kingdom - including being able to get to encrypted information. We chose to add some convenience at the cost of security in this case. Certainly the user did NOTHING wrong! One way or the other it should have been a 15 minute fix.

    Also there is a built in method for password recovey of notes id file - but I'm more a developer so I haven't messed with that. It does need to be setup ahead of time I think.

    Regarding item 3. You can easily see who's accessing a domino server by using the notes log (log.nsf). Wether it's the client or browser all access is recorded. Look under usage by user. Only the people who are using the sever will show up in this list. Typically data is only stored for 5-6 days but this can be changed. You can also go into any database and via the property screen get all the activity detail from there.

    Regarding your specific need. You should be able to get a pretty good idea of the last login time of a user in the person documents last updated field. I think that's updated daily.

    If you have other questions I highly recommend you head over to (now called ibm developerworks or something) There are excellent forums there.


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion Tc Pictures.
  • 2011 Scion Tc Pictures.

  • DakotaGuy
    Mar 3, 05:19 PM
    The fix is simple actually... cut spending and increase revenue. If we had to pay a dollar for a dollar of services our tax rate would be MUCH higher. Therefore what we need to do is cut spending a certain percentage and raise taxes a certain percentage and meet in the middle.

    I know the truth isn't pleasant, but it is what it is.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC: 2010 New York
  • 2011 Scion tC: 2010 New York

  • mad jew
    Dec 14, 11:05 PM
    Woah, you are on fire today. You've churned out two awesome 'tars.

    Being a little nit-picky, I reckon this'd be even cooler if you slowed it down a little. :)


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC at the 2010 New
  • 2011 Scion tC at the 2010 New

  • Silencio
    Sep 27, 01:49 AM is indispensable for, personally.. With most software phoning for updates though, it's a bit overkill for VTP, so you're right on that one.

    The "member" "freebies" on .Mac are the toaster over give away of the intarweb land. Lame x 3

    .Mac used to (still does?) have a pretty nice discount on VersionTracker Pro/MacFixIt Pro. I sprung for it one year; didn't use the extras nearly enough to justify it, and even the paid version of MacFixIt is way too ponderous and difficult to search to have much worth. I do use VersionTracker Plus' features pretty heavily, so I would have paid for it anyway.

    But .Mac did offer up a few nice discounts on shareware over the years that I put to good use. (And no, Virex doesn't count!) Nothing that would make you pay full price for the service, but enough to ease the pain noticeably.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC traction control
  • 2011 Scion tC traction control

  • pcguru83
    May 4, 09:02 AM
    Good news, I know I've seen several posters mention this.


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC Interior
  • 2011 Scion tC Interior

  • sarchie
    Mar 4, 09:17 AM
    I back up all my images onto a WD Elements external harddrive. I have had no issues until yesterday. I pluged in the hd to my macpro and no blue light and could not find it on my computer. Any ideas?

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC Picture
  • 2011 Scion tC Picture

  • reclusive46
    May 4, 01:01 PM
    Your iPad is still unlocked. Don't worry. It was never locked in the first place. All the GSM iPads are unlocked.


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC: 2010 New York
  • 2011 Scion tC: 2010 New York

  • jrko
    Apr 16, 05:28 AM
    yes, i am running it both in my dual processor 1.42 G4 and Powerbook...

    Ok thats positive news for me. Maybe it just didn't like 10.5.0 and the update for 10.5.8 will include whatever fixes are required

    Thanks Nameci

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC

  • note235
    Jul 9, 09:16 PM
    Any extra one.
    $700 shipped
    can local pickup
    accept MO,transfer and check.

    note235 is heatware


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC presents itself
  • 2011 Scion tC presents itself

  • Angel baby
    Nov 1, 10:45 PM
    :confused: In my country, we have to pay about $1000 US dollars to buy one.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion Tc Main
  • 2011 Scion Tc Main

  • mattscott306
    Mar 19, 11:20 AM
    I was under the impression that it wasn't possible to use a PB display as an external monitor, unless you were running it over a network or whatnot.


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC; 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC; 2011 Scion tC

  • neut
    Feb 14, 04:05 PM
    congrats to you all!

    Hey Thanks! :D

    oh wait ... you probably meant the new mods i guess. :o :p


    2011 scion tc. 2011-scion-tc-spy-
  • 2011-scion-tc-spy-

  • samcraig
    Apr 28, 07:41 AM
    Other indications that this is PR spin/backpeddling:

    1. They picked a size of 2mb for the db "turns out it was fairly large."

    If they are ENGINEERS as Jobs says - they know how big 2MB is. They also know how much ascii data they can store in 2MB. Which is HUGE. GINORMOUS for straight text.

    2. Deflected the very fact that this DB is stored on the computer. A bit of spin to imply that the only way to access it is by "jailbreaking"....
    "We had that protected on the system. It had root protection and was sandboxed from any other application. But if someone hacks their phone and jailbreaks it, they can get to this and misunderstand the point of that."
    "One thing I think we have learned is that the cache we had on the system�the point of that cache, is we do all the location calculations on the phone itself so no location calculations are done separately. You can imagine in an ideal world the entire crowdsourced database is on the phone and it just never has to talk to a server to do these calculations (or) to even get the cache.

    What we do is we cache a subset of that. We picked a size, around 2MB, which is less than half a song. It turns out it was fairly large and could hold items for a long time.

    We had that protected on the system. It had root protection and was sandboxed from any other application. But if someone hacks their phone and jailbreaks it, they can get to this and misunderstand the point of that.


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC Side View 2011
  • 2011 Scion tC Side View 2011

  • whatever
    Nov 21, 01:28 PM
    As an Apple shareholder, my main concern over the iPhone is whether or not Apple can make money on such a product and also not damage the reputation for releasing quality products.

    Alright I know a few are going to say that Apple products suck and have been on downward spiral for years, whatever, bottom line, their products and reputation are better than most.

    I'm sure Apple could create a great iPhone, but I would never want them to be controled by the various carriers. I can hear it already, my iPhone drops 1/2 of it's calls, my old crappy phone was so much better (blah, blah, blah) and the whole time it's really the carrier which is terriable not Apple. This is something that Apple wants and must avoid. FYI, I've used Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-mobile and none of them seem to work with their top of the line phones in my area. Meanwhile my Sister-inlaw had managed to keep her simple stripped down Verizon phone for years and it works perfectly at my house. She needed to get a new battery and they tried to upsell her a new phone and she refused and then the sales person told her that the older phones just work better than the newer models.

    I agree with you 100% about the RAZR, when I thought about getting one, everyone I knew who had one advised me against it, all of them claiming that it's the worst phone ever!

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC interior
  • 2011 Scion tC interior

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 10:03 PM
    The Samsung Galaxy S II is a very impressive smartphone.

    It also includes Swype, the best touch screen input method ever. I've been using swype for months. The speed, accuracy, and enjoyment of using it, is simply amazing.

    I'm so disappointed that Apple rejected it. Swype would add even more fun to the iPhone. Not to mention its incredible ease of use and speed.

    2011 scion tc. to win a 2011 Scion tC by
  • to win a 2011 Scion tC by

  • See Flat
    Apr 7, 09:54 AM
    12 petabytes is mind blowing, i remember my first windows pc with 300mb of hdd space.

    And I remember my first 30mb external hard drive that only cost me 1000$
    I used to brag to people at how amazing it was as it could replace almost 30 floppy disks.

    Aug 23, 04:04 PM (

    Category: Opinion/Interviews
    Link: Replacing a Pile of Textbooks With an iPad (
    Description:: none

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

    manu chao
    Apr 7, 11:31 AM
    How about fixing the bug where listening to home sharing from your iDevice doesn't update play counts in iTunes like its suppose to. Not sure if it's a iOS bug or a iTunes bug but it doesn't work on either Windows or OS X.
    I assume you have this box checked:

    Dec 28, 06:51 PM
    I'm trying to change my Idisk Icon, but I can't find it in candybar under volumes or applications. Any Ideas? I'm on a trial version of .mac right now if that helps.

    Apr 6, 01:36 PM
    So you can get a 1TB hard drive for $80.... 12,000 of those.... not that big of an expenditure tbf.Go price out 12PB from Isilon and see how much it costs. It ain't $80 a TB.

    Apr 30, 07:53 PM

    The geek in me made me do it. :)

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