mercredi 1 juin 2011

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  • French iPod
    Dec 1, 04:15 PM (

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  • intoxicated662
    Jun 20, 08:44 AM
    I don't have ebay, sorry. But I will pay through paypal. I am confirmed&verified and have boughten things on here before. I am interested so pm me. thanks

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  • Quotes For Husband. beautiful love quotes; beautiful love quotes. Doctor Q. Mar 28, 01:28 AM. There#39;s a section called How do I find my own posts? in the

  • neutrino23
    Nov 19, 08:09 PM
    I see TJ Maxx's acquisition of some iPads as a marketing scheme. If a few select stores have at least 5 to offer at a discounted price, imagine what kind of results they would get if they offered them as a Black Friday Doorbuster Special. They would probably get hundreds lined up at the door like Best Buy does for a deeply discounted HDTV or laptop. As for a warranty, I don't think they offer warranties on any of their products because they are a clearing house.

    Exactly. They could have bought a couple hundred legitimately at normal prices from a distributor and then distribute a small number to each or only select stores to be used as loss leaders. Kind of like when we raffle off an iPod or iPad at our booth at a trade show. We are actually giving this away, we don't sell tickets, we do this in order to get lots of people in the booth.

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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 30, 10:02 AM
    Making parts is one thing, we can all make parts, we can all go into our garage and make a random widget. We can make hundreds of those widgets.

    But - here is the kicker -

    We need someone to buy those widgets.

    If no one buys the widgets, we can't make the widgets, and in this scenario Apple sell the widget to the end user. The game is with Apple, not the parts supplier.

    Good luck making the parts Apple need in your garage.


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  • Send this cute Miss You card

  • DeathChill
    Apr 22, 11:41 PM
    Here we go:

    The iPhone can run iPad apps as a universal app contains a single application binary with appropriate resolution and UI information dependent on the device. Therefore the iPad and iPhone can run the EXACT same application binaries, so that argument is out the window.

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  • Lacero
    Feb 12, 08:05 PM
    In Soviet Russia, MR mods own you!


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  • skinniezinho
    Aug 9, 10:44 AM
    mine: (

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  • SandboxGeneral
    Dec 1, 06:49 PM
    Here is mine... a sweet Formula 1 car.


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  • cute i love you quotes.

  • PlaceofDis
    Feb 22, 10:22 PM
    its been a while now since the new mods were put in place, and i just wanted to say great job so far, the spammers keep coming, but they get knocked out much quicker now, Thanks to all the Mods!!

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  • miss u quotes for friends. Cuteview i miss browsing; Cuteview i miss browsing. Dr. Scott. Mar 21, 06:29 PM

  • johnnyjibbs
    Oct 12, 09:39 AM
    It's certainly not as sleek as before but that's my first impression. Not quite as professional looking and the UI is almost 'overdone'.

    Might revert to Tweetie 1.

    Maps are nice though.


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  • Rowlander
    Dec 5, 03:21 PM
    Nothing quite brings the same joy to my heart as starting a render in FCP and having a look at Activity Monitor, and seeing a whopping two cores in use. Or having to export a QT file first because I can't send directly to Compressor.
    Well to be fair, the camera manufacturers are twats for recording to a delivery codec in the first place

    I agree 100% with both of your posts. It still bothers me that compressor is the only application that can make full use of both my Mac Pro�s CPUs.

    And I really hate the look of low bitrate AVCHD but we have to work with it nonetheless.

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  • I just hope you don#39;t ever let

  • camnchar
    Oct 31, 09:12 AM
    I'd suggest putting "2Gn iPod Shuffle" in future articles to avoid confusion.


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  • bdmst16
    May 4, 08:26 AM
    That was an awesome read. I am VERY interested in the removable graphics part. I really wanted the 6970m - but the 27" is physically not possible - so I'm stuck with the 6770m.

    Can any comment on the possibility of upgrading your GPU down the road if needed?

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  • MacBandit
    Nov 6, 02:05 PM
    i just installed it and then i read this which scares me...

    anyone else have this problem?

    I've had it installed on our 15Al 1.25 Powerbook since we got it last December. No issues.

    Apple replaced a bunch of touchpads on the 15Al so I suspect it wasn't just the program that caused the issue.


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  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 11:43 AM
    Don't bother Apple. Work on something else.

    You mean like here:

    I think it is a way that Apple can earn more money from the App Store.
    A cheap cash in for Apple, as the iPad simply is a pregnant iPod touch. And it lacks multitasking, java and flash.

    I do not think Apple have really thought about this one. It's a half baked product, rushed out. If they had included flash, java and multitasking support, this may have been a winner, but now it just looks like an overpriced eReader.

    When the rumour of a Tablet Mac was released I imagined a touchscreen iMac, not a bloated iPod touch.

    Flame away. :p

    Apple should simply look at your posts and do the opposite. Success guaranteed.

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  • “Billy I#39;m gonna miss you.

  • palebluedot
    Sep 6, 10:22 AM
    Could I please have a link for that.

    Here is mine. (

    What about yours? :P Mine is attached.


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  • Quotes For Husband. beautiful love quotes; beautiful love quotes. leekohler. Apr 14, 07:53 AM. I agree. Please tell me why you find it acceptable to use

  • Littleodie914
    Dec 3, 07:46 AM
    This WP is stretched to fit; I wish I could find an actual 16:10 ratio one for it. Also, anyone know if this guy has a name or the origins of it?The art is from this guy:

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  • jouster
    Jul 21, 04:37 PM
    Hey guys,

    Anyone know of any drivers for a Linksys wireless USB Adapter for OS X?

    I have a TiVo with the home media option, and would like to stream music etc, but I can't get the Mac or the TiVo to see the Adapter.

    Needless to say, it came with a CD ROM stuffed with WIndows drivers.....

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  • hulugu
    May 5, 01:11 PM
    So, what do you call, and how do we handle the individual(s)who planned, and helped to plan the death of 3,000 + individuals on 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the Bali nightclub bombings, and who knows how many more acts of terrorism?

    Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? I suppose your thinking (and those of many others here) is that he should have been given a trial by jury, sent to prison, and that we had no right to try and obtain information from him?

    This is a false choice. We can interrogate someone, but we cannot torture them.

    Think The Closer rather than 24.

    To quote someone else in this thread "show me proof", in terms of actual statements given under duress and the results of that information. Until you or I see that we are both really just hand-waving.

    As for the guy in the video, he's really the only one out there that I have seen that is so vocal about the ineffectiveness of E.I. I suspect that he is either someone that:

    a) Is just out to make a quick buck off his book;
    b) Has a grudge;
    c) Has remorse about things that he has done and is trying to make amends.

    So, you're going to dismiss the arguments of Matthew Alexander, but readily accept those of people who could be prosecuted for ordering acts of torture? I'd think that John Yoo, for example, would be much less trustworthy than Alexander in these cases.

    BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.

    Theissen's attempt to draw this distinction is just a distortion of logic. A person who has been tortured and knows that a moment's hesitation will lead to more torture is physiologically and psychologically different than they were before
    Torture changes ( the brain and damages memory and 'executive' faculties.

    May 5, 04:42 PM
    Btw I am really getting into the 240/260 Z cars, I want one so bad as a project car.

    Jul 31, 03:16 PM

    Just whilst my Mac's in for repair, I'm having to use a PC. Trying to replicate the experience though, and I have to say that GNOME Do is a fantastic piece of software, far superior to Spotlight or even Quiksilver.

    Dec 11, 02:19 PM
    Anyone? If someone has something similar, I will also consider it.

    Mar 23, 08:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I seem to recall Craig Federighi demoing Mac OS X Lion and he did a good job. Slightly nervous shaky hands but a watchable presenter.

    Nov 11, 10:22 AM
    It's coming out the same day as the white iPhone ;)

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